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Pension et Elevage \Of-Liberty\savecompany

Pension et Elevage \Of-Liberty\ is located in Avully, Switzerland on Chemin du Martinet 30. Pension et Elevage \Of-Liberty\ is rated 3.0 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Switzerland.

Star 3 out of 5 price$$
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Sally Lang

Our dogs love this kennel and have been well taken care of for 10 years. The staff are always friendly and show a real interest in the animals they look after. Our dogs are always happy to go and are well-fed and well looked after during their stay. The kennel does have strict pick-up and drop-off times but that is to ensure that the animals they look after are not constantly disturbed throughout the day. Our new 6 month old puppy is just about to go for her first visit and we are confident she will be well looked after.


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Patrick Janot

My name is Nebbiola (see my picture!), I am a female Corsican shepherd, and I am just one year old. My masters, whom I love very much, have brought me to Of-Liberty a few times already, each time for a week or so. They asked me to give my impressions directly to this forum. Well, to be entirely honest, the first time I was a little scared, as I had never been left alone before. But to my surprise, I was not alone at all ! Every day, the nice lady would give me a partner of a different breed, so that I get to know new friends to play with, to run with, to jump with, and many other things I cannot mention here - I have my dignity ! Since then, I can't wait to go again, and I show my happiness to the lady even before she opens the door. They have large fields that I can enjoy in total freedom, and cozy boxes where I can sleep and dream quietly, and where I eat like at home. Dad, mom, when do we go there again ?


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Helena Watson

Terrible experience, my cat almost died as he was completely dehydrated! He couldn't stand up. The same day we picked him up, we run to the vet. He was in terrible condition. Took him almost 2 months to recover!


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Maria Ana Neves

IF YOU LOVE YOUR DOGS, DO NOT LEAVE THEM AT THIS PLACE!!! My friends dog was bitten in his thankfully short stay of 4 days. When the dog was dropped off by the owner, she was assured that he would be staying with an old female golden, as other dogs could attack him as despite his breed (Malinois) he is submissive. Upon the dog arrival to my hands after staying there 4 days, the wounds you see on the pictures were only lumps (see picture), so at first I even though they had muzzled him. I took him to the vet, they confirmed it was bit marks, he still had dried blood everywhere and was medicated. A report was made and an official complaint will be made. Two pictures with open wound are after the \crust\ of the bite disappeared and the final one is of his current look. Psychologically 100% recovered, but his hair will never grow back in those areas. I do not understand how this place is still open.


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Azra Schapper

It's very bad organisation, ectually without organisation. There work peoples without experience. Everything is very very dirty everywhere. My visit and my experience is very bad with this kennel. Not recommanded. Disaster


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Albert Latour

This dog kennel is amazing...we moved to Geneva over 2 years ago and were very lucky to find this great place (at the recommendation of our vet)for our beloved dog Jelly. Ms. Champendal and her team are wonderful people who give a lot of love to the pets that they care for. Our little Jelly was always happy to be dropped off at Of-Liberty, which allowed us to take many \worry-free\ vacations knowing that he was in caring hands. I can 100% recommend Of-Liberty, and in fact I thank them for being so good to a very important member of our family.


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Alexandra Jacobson

To all the people who criticise this shelter, my dog has stayed there for 3 months. Won’t go into details but they have been AMAZING to my dog. We just moved to Switzerland back in april and we were looking for an apartment, has you know it takes time. So we had to put her there but visited her frequently. She lost a lot of weight due to the trip and was traumatised. She took 3 kilos. They treated with such special care even though they also has more than 30 other dogs to take care of. My dog was always happy going back. And i could see the other dogs so happy there too. They took my dog in even though she was not sterilised and were very careful with the other dogs. So i highly recommend this place! Thank you Of Liberty. Forever grateful


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Galina Zhukovsky

Our dog has been going here for the past few years, and we are very happy with all the team, and especially with Mme Champendal. She always manages to find availabilities, even on short notice. She also takes care of each dog personally, and informs us directly if anything goes wrong. I strongly recommend this place to all my friends and collegues who own dogs.


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Pension et Elevage \Of-Liberty\






Chemin du Martinet 30
1237 Avully

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